We are naive creatures. We still want him to appear infront of us, the urge to see him no words can describe. Strange, we should be in celebration of his life, and HIM had a good reason why him was taken back to HIM kingdom. Are we 'man of little faith' on HIM, just like when Jesus rebuked his apostles on a stormy sea journey?
"My Lord, we give this wonderful thanks to you for this wonderful day and we look forward to a better day with your blessing. Do forgive our sins and do forgive us should our faith fail us. Lord, do gave us the strength to strengthen our faith. And keep Siong in your good hands. We ask this through Our Saviour, Jesus, Amen."
A glance of 25 more days will be Siong 1st year anniversary, and currently it made me realised that this month seems so difficult not to think about Siong.
Though we know he left us for a good cause, GOD had his reason for what happened, after all we are still humans and the emotion still runs high . That fatal day had been replaying in my mind daily, just can't help it. Lets keep Siong in our daily prayers regardless of religion, as all for a common ground- good faith.
Here's a prayer for Siong Siong:
"Our Father in Heaven, eternal rest grant onto Siong Siong oh Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace.
Kor Kor
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