Monday, October 25, 2010
A note from Jie.......

I still remember this date clearly... I came home after helping out at Western Chow Ghim Moh, only to found that I can't watch the TV in my room bcos you had tampered with the adaptor. As usual, i was furiously mad, called you, scolded you harshly & hang up. What surprises me next was, for your character, you would have rebuke me.. But you did not! Instead, you sent a series of SMS, apologised profusely to me. Well, need not to say, I was touched & you make me feel so guilty scolding you..
Siong :"Jie, time I will ask you 1st."
Jie :"ok, I am sorry for being rude too."
Siong :"next time, I won't be rude to you, papa & mama."
This was our last sms.. Not long after, you called me & for the 1st time, we had a long heart to heart talk on the phone. It was a very pleasant & memorable conversation.
26/07/08... 1130pm.. You clad in a Light green tee, jeans & wore my black Westar watch. Just like any energetic young fellow, you were happily ready to go out with your friends on a Saturday night after work..
Jie : "去那里?" - going where?
Siong: "出去" - out.
Jie :"没有驾 motor?" - not riding motor
Siong: "没有,驾 van" - no, driving van.
Jie: "驾 van 不要喝酒啊!"- don't drink & drive yah!
Siong: "不会的!我好不容易拿到 licence!"- I won't! It's not easy for me to obtain the licence!
Jie: "ok,不要太迟回啊!"- ok, don't come home too late!
Siong:"哦!" - orh!
This.. was our last conversation... I will never forget our last SMS & conversation... Everything came so sudden. You did not fullfill your promise to be filial to papa & mama. Breana is 18Ms now & I expect her to snatch food from you bcos you always tax on mine. I tried very hard not to eat BBQ stingray, BBQ chicken wings, hokkien mee & drink bubble tea bcos these were your favourite.. Fangling, Vivian... Reminded me of you too. I can't help but feel upset..
Because of friendship, you lost your life... Is it worth?? But I know you would not want us to badmouth about them, your so-called "brothers"... You rather let us heartbreak for losing & missing you dearly than to lose those "2 friends"... But I know those 2 will be guilty for the rest of their lives as they lost you, a dear friend who is always all out for them...
Although it's already 2years, but everything seems like yesterday. The scene outside A&E, our last moments together at ICU, the 3 days wake... It really hit papa & mama badly as you are their creation of love. Kor was traumatized by your death bcos he saw you thru your coma till your last breath & return you back to GOD... Kor loves you most. My love for you really can't compare to theirs. But you know I love you from all your food request almost daily, the apparels & shoes & whatever you wanted, I always tried my best to give you... Oh yah.. U still owed me money hor & where's my PS2 har?? I have not play my PSP since you left bcos you were always the one borrowing & playing it.
On Monday 26/07/10, kor & Kathy brought Damien to my place. Kor asked him to name the person in his wedding family pic. When he pointed at you, Damien said " 雄雄叔叔". 28Ms+ Damien knows about you & very soon, little Breana will start calling you too. Really wish you were here to play & carry them... It's just my wishful thinking...